

Here, I will give definitions to 'big words', and words that may have a different meaning now than they did in the mid 1800s. Also, links to interesting tidbits and recurrent themes.
I'll even try to keep them in alphabetical order as I add them. If you wish me to add one, just let me know.

Bobolink: This is a bird that often shows up in Emily's poems.

gentian |ˈjen ch ən|
a plant of temperate and mountainous regions, typically with violet or vivid blue trumpet-shaped flowers.
Genera Gentiana and Gentianella, family Gentianaceae: numerous species,including the four-petaled fringed gentian ( Gentiana crinita) of North America.

obviate |ˈäbvēˌāt|
verb [ trans. ]
remove (a need or difficulty) : the Venetian blinds obviated the need for curtains.
• avoid; prevent : a parachute can be used to obviate disaster.

seraph |ˈserəf|
noun ( pl. seraphim |ˈserəˌfim| or seraphs )
an angelic being, regarded in traditional Christian angelology as belonging to the highest order of the ninefold celestial hierarchy, associated with light, ardor, and purity.